a blog for guys who like videogames and know the 80s from experience

24. Juni 2009


Quick update on the Apple App Storeapproval process: Shaken babies are OK, but inevitable moneymakers like a licensed, legal Commodore 64 emulator are rejected.

Why the rejection, you ask? Here's Apple's take, form letter style:

Thank you for submitting C64 1.0 to the App Store. We've reviewed C64 1.0 and determined that we cannot post this version of your iPhone application to the App Store because it violates the iPhone SDK Agreement; "3.3.2 An Application may not itself install or launch other executable code by any means, including without limitation through the use of a plug-in architecture, calling other frameworks, other APIs or otherwise. No interpreted code may be downloaded and used in an Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple's Published APIs and built-in interpreter(s)."

Right. All well and good, except that there are plenty of accepted apps floating around out there that do the exact same thing (including the Zork-tastic Frotz).

Worse still, the publisher, Manomio, had secured all the licenses to run such an app from Killoo Apps, the current owner of the Commodore 64 license. But that's not all. How about another kick in the nuts, just for good measure? You see, not only did Manomio have the license, it also had the blessing of Apple Europe, which was "really excited" about the app, said Manomio CEO Brian Lyscarz.

That blessing got misplaced, apparently, as Manomio learned this week. Lyscarz and others, myself included, still hold out hope that the app will be accepted in one form or another. [Touch Arcade- Thanks, Ponies]

1 Kommentare:

rick hat gesagt…

die steuerung wäre noch grössere fickscheisse geworden.. oder die hätten einen wireless competition pro 5000 dazu rausbringen müssen..

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